Temple BethShalom values your contribution to any of its funds:
Tzedakah Fund: “Whosoever practices Tzedakah finds life, prosperity, and honor.” Talmud
Tzedakah is a central mitzvah of Judaism that uplifts both giver and recipient.
Your gift of Tzedakah:
- Helps support the wonderful programs here at our synagogue and ensure the vitality of our congregation.
- Focuses support on specific activities and causes favored by congregants.
- Provides a convenient and meaningful way to fulfill the traditional obligation of Tzedakah, and to honor, commemorate or express gratitude.
Occasions for Tzedakah:
Holidays and festivals, births, namings, first school days, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, funerals, yahrtzeits, wedding anniversaries (one’s own or friends’), birthdays, housewarmings, congratulations on job promotions, achievements, good wishes on undertaking new ventures, get well wishes, and so on.
General Fund: for all the multifaceted activities of our congregation. Undesignated donations go into this fund.
Yahrzeit Contributions: in the tradition of memory, marks the anniversary of the death of loved ones of blessed memory, allowing them to live on through our charitable acts.
Tzedakah/Tikkun Olam Fund: to help provide funds to Jewish community members in need.
Building Fund: to help with maintenance and renovation projects.
Library Fund: helps purchase new library books and prayer books when needed.
Honor a Third PartyTzedakah honors giver and recipient; you can use it to honor or thank someone important to you. When you do this, we send a card to whomever you designate, indicating that you’ve made a contribution. A minimum gift of chai ($18 or a multiple of it) is suggested when you request a Tzedakah card sent to someone in your name.
Your contribution will be listed in the synagogue’s weekly bulletin with your Name(s) but not with the donation amount. If you do not want to be listed YOU must let us know.
To Donate now on-line enter your email (for reference only) and click the Donate button
or please send your donation to:
Congregation Beth Shalom
Location: 308 South B Street
Mailing address: c/o 200 West Washington
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
To insure that recipient(s) are notified of your donation and it is properly listed in the newsletter, and are used for the fund of your choice, please email the following information to
Your Name
Donation Amount
In honor of
Honoree’s email address or mailing address
Specific fund (Un-designated donations go into General Fund)
List donation in newsletter? Yes or No
Thank you.
“In Tzedakah’s way is Life; on its path is immortality.” — Proverbs 12:28