Weekly E-Mail News
Congregation Beth Shalom
Shabbat Morning Services Saturday, March 6 (Adar 20)
Shabbat Services at Beth Shalom start at 10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield
Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 5:46 p.m. Friday, March 5; Shabbat ends (Havdallah begins) Saturday, 6:45 p.m. in Fairfield.
Thank you:
To Kabuika Kamunga, Phalya and Joshua Cohen for sponsoring the Shabbat Kiddish on February 19;
To Haim Menashehoff for leading services and reading the Megillah on Purim; to David Matt for loaning us his Megillah; to Julie Blum for the pies; and to everyone who attended and contributed to the potluck and festivities.
To Julie Blum and Brenda and Dora Pollack for organizing the Lox & Bagel Brunch on February 28 and to everyone who attended.
Passover March 29
Beth Shalom will hold a Passover Sedar on the first evening of Pesach, Monday, March 29. Check future Beth Shalom e-mails for starting time, prices and other details.
Shmurah Matzah is in!
Enjoy Pesach the way our ancestors did with hand-made shmurah matzah! This matzah is made from wheat that has been carefully guarded from the time of harvesting through the hand-baking process to ensure the strictest standard of kashrut and suitability for Pesach. A shipment has just arrived from Brooklyn at the Judaic Resource Center in Des Moines.
As usual, Bob Rabinoff will be making his annual trip to Des Moines to pick up Pesach supplies and shmurah matzah. If you would like to order shmurah matzah please let Bob know by email at: rar113@columbia.edu or rabinoff@lisco.com before March 14. The shmurah matzah comes in 1 pound boxes and costs about $15-20/box.