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Newsletter 03/21/2012

Congregation Beth Shalom

Weekly News and Updates, March 21, 2012


Sabbath Services at 8:00 p.m., Friday Evening, March 23 (29 Adar)

Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield

Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 7:06 p.m. on Friday, March 23. Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins) Saturday, 8:06 p.m. in Fairfield.


Reserve the date: Passover Seder at Beth Shalom, April 6

Beth Shalom will host a Community Seder on Friday, April 6, starting 7:00 p.m. Reservations, prices and other details have been sent in a separate Beth Shalom Passover newsletter.  Please email, if you did not get the Beth Shalom 2012 Passover newsletter, or need another copy.

Sh’murah Matzah: available from Bob Rabinoff

This is the Last Week to call for Fairfield delivery!

It’s almost Purim, and that means that Pesach is coming up soon.  Once again, Gd willing, I will make my annual pilgrimage to Maccabee’s Deli in Des Moines to get traditional, hand-made Sh’murah Matzah (matzah whose ingredients – plain wheat flour – have been set aside and guarded from the time of harvest specifically for the mitzvah of making Pesach matzot).  Once again, I am taking orders.  Pesach is on Shabbat, April 7th this year, so I will probably go up around March 25.  Please email me at or call 472-9842 (leave a message) and let me know how many boxes you want.  I don’t know the price yet, but Rabbi Jacobsen of Maccabee’s Deli thinks price will be the same as last year: $22 for a 1-lb box.

Chag Same’ach!

Bob Rabinoff

Passover products 

A limited selection of Passover foods can be found at Everybody’s Whole Foods and Hy-Vee in Fairfield.  Passover cards can be found at Somebody Cares and Tara Winkler Graphics at  A full line of Passover products can be found at Macabees Kosher Deli in Des Moines.  Please be sure to thank them for accommodating our needs.