Weekly News and Updates, March 28, 2012
Minyan Needed for Sabbath Services at 8:00 p.m., Friday Evening, March 30 (7 Nissan)
This Shabbat, Steve Sufian will be observing the yahrzeit of his father, Ben Sufian, a good listener, a high intellect and a witty, strong leader. Please join us and help form a minyan, so Steve can recite Kaddish.
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield
Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 7:13 p.m. on Friday, March 30. Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins) Saturday, 8:14 p.m. in Fairfield.
RSVP Due Tomorrow for Passover Community Seder at Beth Shalom, April 6, 7:00 p.m.
Michael Sternfeld will be our leader this year. Israel’s favorite son, Shai Perelson will read for us in the Mother Tongue. The angelic Jane Pitt will provide musical accompaniment. And special guests will add inspirational commentary to enrich the experience as we reenact and celebrate our liberation from bondage into freedom.
RESERVATIONS are due no later than: Thursday, March 29th. But please RSVP ASAP. Caterer needs this info to prepare.
Reservations and payment can be made online at the synagogue website: http://bethshalomfairfield.com/passover-2011/
by mail or in person at the office of Frederick Swartz & Co., 200 West Washington, Fairfield, IA 52556. Include the names of each participant. Make checks payable to: Congregation Beth Shalom.
Members & their guests $16.00
Non-members $18.00
Non-member MUM faculty,
Staff and IA $17.00
College Students $15.00
Children age 6-12 $10.00
Juice will be provided with the catered Seder meal. Please feel free to bring a bottle of juice or wine to share with your table.
This barely covers expenses. We do not make a profit.
Questions? Contact Susan Berkowitz at bethshalomfairfield@gmail.com or call 472-9509.
**NOTE: Reservations are required so we can plan sufficient food and supplies. Seating cannot be guaranteed for payments after Thursday, March 29th.
Thank you. We hope you will join us!
Passover products
A limited selection of Passover foods can be found at Everybody’s Whole Foods and Hy-Vee in Fairfield. Passover cards can be found at Somebody Cares and Tara Winkler Graphics at wink1@iowatelecom.net. A full line of Passover products can be found at Macabees Kosher Deli in Des Moines. Please be sure to thank them for accommodating our needs.