Weekly E-Mail News
e-mail: bethshalomfairfield@gmail.com
website: http://bethshalomfairfield.com
This week’s highlights:
Shabbat services; Candle lighting times; Condolences to Pitt, Kesler and Swartz families; Israel flag at MSAE; Mazel Tov to Yale Shaw; Torah portion by R. Rabinoff; Beth Shalom Resources.
Shabbat Services 10:30 a.m., Saturday morning, June 5 (Sivan 23)
Services will start at 10:30 a.m., at Beth Shalom. Please join us.
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield
Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 8:18 p.m. Friday, June 4; Shabbat ends (Havdallah begins) Saturday, 9:27 p.m. in Fairfield.
Memorial Services:
Barry Pitt
You are warmly invited to join in a celebration of the life of long-time Governor Barry Pitt on Tuesday June 8, at 7:45 in the MSAE Henry Ogden Clark Auditorium. Barry passed away in Fairfield on May 19 after a long battle with cancer.
A highlight of the celebration will be the inauguration of “The Barry Pitt Learning Fund,” which will provide support for a qualified teacher to meet the needs of those MSAE students who can benefit from individual educational instruction.
Barry was a life-long educator in everything he did, and this fund, for the benefit of the community he treasured, will do justice to his commitment to helping young people.
Condolences to:
On Saturday, May 29, after many years of living with Lymphoma, our much loved Danny passed away peacefully surrounded by his family.
We invite you to a reception in celebration of his life Saturday, June 5th, at 2:00 p.m. at Festival Hall, Argiro Student Center, M.U.M. campus.
With all our love and appreciation for your friendship over the years.
The Kesler family
Condolences to the Swartz family on the loss of their dear son and brother, Daniel. Thank you to all our community who helped the Swartz family during this transitional time.
Israeli Flag at MSAE
submitted by Craig Shaw
Dear Friends:
Dr. Richard Beall is creating a “walkway of international flags” to be displayed each day along the sidewalk entering Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment. He is asking for sponsors for particular nations, and I volunteered to raise $61 for the Israeli flag. If each person contributes $5 to $10 we will be able to make the goal easily.
If you’d like to contribute, please send me a check to “MSAE” and write “Israeli flag contribution” in memo line. (Cash is also fine.) My address is MUM MR697, Fairfield, IA 52557, or feel free to drop your contribution off at Bldg 154, Apt 5 (1600 Heavenly Lane) on the M.U.M. campus.
PS If we go over $61, I’ll contribute the difference to the synagogue.
Thank you,
Mazel Tov!
To Yale Shaw, son of Craig and Rachele Shaw, who recently returned from Israel on the Birthright Program!