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Newsletter 08/22/2012

Congregation Beth Shalom

Weekly News and Updates, August 22, 2012


Help Needed for Patricia Perelson


Submitted by Debbie Pogel


Patricia Perelson is slowly recovering from surgery she had a  few weeks ago.  She needs volunteers to bring her meals for a while. She is still too weak to cook or even prepare food from her freezer and really appreciates when volunteers drop off a light meal for her to eat.  she’s eating most foods but not spicy food or red meat.  She doesn’t like cooked broccoli, cauliflower or carrots.  Other veggies are fine.  Volunteers are welcome to call me so I can coordinate days.


She lives in Heartland condo’s (around Lowe and F streets) and generally she won’t hear to answer the door but volunteers can go in, up the stairs and leave the meal in the kitchen.  I’ll ask her to have containers available so volunteers can take their pot or pan home with them.

Debbie Pogel 641-455-8400

Shabbat Services, Friday, August 24 (7 Elul) at 8:00 p.m.
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield

Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 7:34 p.m. on Friday, August 24. Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins) Saturday, 8:34 p.m. in Fairfield.
High Holidays start Sunday, September 16

Jewish New Year of 5773 starts the High Holiday season at Beth Shalom with Erev Rosh Hashanah services on Sunday evening, September 16.  Be on the look in the next few days in your e-mail for a separate High Holiday Newsletter with membership sign-up and a complete schedule.