Weekly E-Mail News
Congregation Beth Shalom
Location: 308 South B Street
Mailing address: c/o 200 West Washington
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
Become a Member: http://bethshalomfairfield.com/membership/
e-mail: bethshalomfairfield@gmail.com
website: http://bethshalomfairfield.com
This week’s highlights:
Shabbat services; Candle lighting times; Marcy Gritz’s father passes away; Thanks to Haim and his supporters; Chanukah Dec. 1, Party December 4; S. Drucker Appreciation; Torah Reading by R. Rabinoff; Beth Shalom Resources.
Shabbat Services 8:00 p.m., Friday evening, November 26 (19 Kislev)
Shabbat Services will begin at 8:00 p.m. at Beth Shalom on November 26.
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield
Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 4:24 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 26; Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins) Saturday, 5:26 p.m. in Fairfield.
Condolences to the Gritz Family
Marcy Gritz‘s father, Charles Passmore, from the Philadelphia area, passed away Thursday, November 18. Our condolences go out to Marcy, Neal and their entire family.
Thanks for Farewell Party and Art Show for Cantor Haim Menashehoff
Thanks to our beloved Cantor, Haim Menashehoff, for his service to Beth Shalom and the community over the past four and a half years — singing, leading services, teaching and countless other contributions. Haim hung his own Art Show for a showing on November 21, at Beth Shalom. Thanks to Susan and Marc Berkowitz, who organized the Farewell Party at the Art Show and to Kabuika Kamunga for helping with invitations. Thanks to everyone who showed up, brought refreshments and/or purchased Haim’s artwork.
Above, left to right: Susan Berkowitz, Haim Menashehoff, Marc Berkowitz
Susan Berkowitz: Haim thought Sunday night was a highlight of his life; he sold 18 paintings and enjoyed the warmth of our appreciation.
Chanukah Starts Wednesday December 1; Celebration, Latke Contest and Potluck December 4
When: Saturday, December 4
Where: Beth Shalom Synagogue
What: POTLUCK & Chanukah Celebration
Time: 7:30
RSVP: bethshalomfairfield@gmail.com
What to bring?
Chanukah Menorah so we can say the blessing and light the lights together. (Chanukah Candles are sold at Everybodies, the At Home Store, and Somebody Cares)
Food . Bring what you want to eat:
Main Dish
Synagogue will provide sour cream, apple sauce, AND Chanukah candles.
Please RSVP to tell us what you are bringing. Thank you.
Appreciation for Steve Drucker’s Talk & Beth Shalom
We received a postcard from someone who attended the Friday night service that Steve Druker “hosted” at Pastor Robert Koepke‘s request. The postcard writer is a gentleman by the name of Keating:
“Thanks you for the wonderful evening of understanding Jesus from his time frame of reference, as a Jew. And, for the opportunity to worship our God together as a unified community. Wow! (How often does that happen?)
Steve Druker…a wonderful, encompassing, scholarly, personal and humorous application of “religion fulfilled”! Haim, too!
“An old, multi-shadowed veil of ignorance was lifted from my 60-year-old childhood’s Roman Catholic upbringing! Shalom!”
Steve Drucker adds: “…several of our out-of-town guests came up to thank me; and that several of our members have remarked about how appreciative our guest were of the hospitality that our synagogue extended and how special the feeling was that evening both during the service and the Oneg Shabbat.”