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Newsletter 12/03/2010

Weekly E-Mail News
Congregation Beth Shalom

Location: 308 South B Street
Mailing address: c/o 200 West Washington
Fairfield, Iowa  52556

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Happy Chanukah!

Minyan Needed for Shabbat Services 8:00 p.m., Friday Evening, December 3 (26 Kislev)

Shabbat Services will begin at 8:00 p.m. at Beth Shalom on December 3. Ben Winkler would like to say Kaddish for the yahrzeit of his father.  Please join us and help make a minyan

Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield

Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 4:22 p.m. on Friday, December 3; Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins)  Saturday, 5:25 p.m. in Fairfield.

Chanukah Starts Wednesday December 1; Celebration and Potluck December 4

When: Saturday, December 4
Where: Beth Shalom Synagogue
What: POTLUCK & Chanukah Celebration
Time: 7:30

What to bring?
Chanukah Menorah so we can say the blessing and light the lights together. (Chanukah Candles are sold at Everybodies, the At Home Store, and Somebody Cares)

Food . Bring what you want to eat:
Main Dish

Synagogue will provide sour cream, apple sauce, AND Chanukah candles.

Please RSVP to tell us what you are bringing. Thank you.

Beth Shalom Synagogue WISH LIST 2010-2011

From Congregation Beth Shalom Board of Directors:
Best wishes for a joyous and healthy holiday season.

Many people have asked us what the specific needs are for the Synagogue for 2010-2011.
So here is our wish-list. If you feel in the Tzdekah mood and want to contribute to something specific, simply specify which project you want your donation to go towards when you send it in.
Many thanks.

“Whosoever practices Tzedakah finds life, prosperity, and honor.” Talmud

SAVINGS AND/OR ENDOWMENT: During the 2009-2010 operating year we ran out of basic operating money. We were at least $6000 short and had to scramble and beg for money.  It is essential that we do something differently this year so that does not happen again. We wish for someone to spearhead this project and help by focusing on fundraising so that we can have a savings and/or an endowment fund.

PAINT WINDOWS ON SOUTH AND CLASSROOMS: The inside windows on the south side of the building are peeling and cracking and need to be weather-proofed. Also, both classrooms desperately need painting.  GRAND TOTAL for Painting : $1000.00 PLUS cost of paint and materials

DIVIDER: The big wooden divider doors in the Oneg Shabbat room need to be replaced. We are now searching for a viable alternative. Cost unknown at this time.

REPLACE SUKKAH: it is rotting and falling apart

REPLACE SIDEWALK: that is parallel to building that is bowing and cracking and is a safety hazard.

REPLACE DROP CEILING: IN ONEG SHABBAT ROOM. One quote so far: $2000-3000.00

REPLACE STOVE/OVEN and FRIDGE: The current appliances are ancient and failing.

MOLD: Look into mold control.

LAWN CARE: If we had some money for this we could maintain the gardens. We need to hire someone to weed occasionally every year and rake leaves.

CARPET: will need to be replaced in the sanctuary in the next year or so.