Weekly News and Updates, December 7, 2011
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield
Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 4:22 p.m. on Friday, December 9. Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins) Saturday, 5:25 p.m. in Fairfield.
We received this message from Kabuika, our former Board Member and President of the MUM Jewish Club:
I am coming back to Fairfield this Friday. My Megabus will be arriving in Iowa City around 10:25 a.m. I am looking for a ride from Iowa City to MUM.
If you know of anyone who could help out, please let me know. I don’t have a cell phone, but I am on Skype all the time: kabuikak
Chanukah Party at Beth Shalom, Wednesday, December 21 —- Details to follow
If you are interesting in helping with the Chanukah Party, please contact Janet Swartz at janet@empowermentprocess.com
In this free talk, Peter (the brother of David Scharf) will discuss how emphasis on the name of G-d, the fact that G-d is One, and that His essential nature is Being that pervades the long tradition of Judaism parallels the Vedantic understanding of the One Being (ekam sat).
Dr. Evan Finkelstein of M.U.M. will respond. The entire Fairfield and M.U.M community is warmly invited to attend.
Peter Scharf is a Visiting Professor at M.U.M. Research Institute, and the founder and director of The Sanskrit Library.