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Newsletter – 12/18/2009

Weekly News Letter 12/18/2009

Congregation Beth Shalom
Location: 308 South B Street
Mailing address: c/o 200 West Washington
Fairfield, Iowa 52556

This week’s highlights:

Shabbat services; Candle lighting times; Website is Up!; Become a Member – on the web; Thank yous for Hanukah Party, Joy Hirshberg recognition; Weekly Torah portion by R. Rabinoff; Beth Shalom Resources.

Shabbat Services Friday, December 18

Services will be Friday evening, starting at 8:00 p.m., at Beth Shalom. Cantor Haim Menashehoff will lead services.

Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield

Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 4:24 p.m. Friday, December 18; Shabbat ends (Havdallah begins) Saturday, 5:28 p.m. in Fairfield.


Please enjoy our new website that includes the following pages as of now: Homepage, Newsletter, Events, About Us, Parashah, Wisdom, Membership, Tzdekah, All About Judaism.
We now have the opportunity to give tzdekah and pay dues through the website. You can now use your credit card or PayPal if you have an account.

The website is in its infant stages. It is a work in progress.

We thank Joy Hirshberg for getting the website started and Steven and Julie Blum for developing, writing, and editing it.

Send constructive comments, articles, and feedback to  Enjoy.

Become a Member of Beth Shalom — Now on the web!

We are in the midst of preparing our yearly membership board and it is never too late to become a member of Congregation Beth Shalom. Support your Synagogue with your dues. Each year your membership includes tickets for the High Holidays and discounts on events and meals throughout the year.

Please choose category:

Sustaining Membership                                              $1000.00

Sponsoring Membership                                             $  500.00

Family Membership                                                     $  275.00

Single Membership                                                      $  150.00

College Faculty, Staff, Student Family                 $  125.00

College Faculty, Staff, Student Single                   $    75.00

Invincible America Course Members – Same as College

Info we need to have:

Name (s) _____________________________________________________________

Mailing Address _______________________________________________________

Email Address ________________________________________________________

Mail or drop off your check to:  Congregation Beth Shalom,
c/o 200 W. Washington, Fairfield, IA 52556


Thank you for Hanukah Party, Joy Hirshberg Recognition

Thanks to all participants in the Hanukah potluck and honoring our past president Joy Hirshberg. Particularly deserving recognition are Julie Blum, who organized the event, Mark Berkowitz for his presentation, David Seagull for performing and leading songs, Kabuika Kamunga, Brandy and Joseph Boxerman for helping with the cleanup, Ben Winkler for photographing and Julie Blum for video recording the event.