Congregation Beth Shalom
Weekly News and Updates, May 16, 2012
New Siddurs; Minyan Needed for Shabbat Services May 18; Candle lighting times
New Siddurs
After a lengthy period of research the synagogue has purchased new transliterated siddurs. These new prayer books should make our prayer services more accessible and inviting to a wider range of the Jewish community. Those who don’t read Hebrew well should find chanting in the Mother Tongue much easier now. Come join us this Friday night as we inaugurate the excellent transliteration offered by the Miskan T’filah siddur.
Siddur Sponsorship Opportunity
You can sponsor one or more of the new prayer books. For a donation of $36 a book plate will be affixed, honoring a departed loved one or some memorable life event (such as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or wedding). Please send a check for $36 per book to Beth Shalom c/o 200 West Washington, Fairield, Iowa 52556. Please indicate the name or event being honored and who is making the donation. Please include phone and/or e-mail contact info.
We currently have 36 new siddurim and with enough sponsors will be able to purchase more.
Minyan Needed for Shabbat Services Friday, May 18 (26 Iyar) at 8:00 p.m.
Jane Roman Pitt will be observing the yahrzeit of her husband, Barry Pitt, this Shabbat. Please join us to help form a minyan so Jane can recite Kaddish.
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times for Fairfield
Shabbat (candle lighting) begins at 8:04 p.m. on Friday, May 18. Shabbat ends (Havdalah begins) Saturday, 9:11 p.m. in Fairfield.